Keywords, content writing, blogs, descriptions, titles, bla bla bla.... There is so much to learn when first hearing about SEO. Let us break it down for you.

Your Business Needs Search Engine Optimization!

In order for users to find you via an online search, you need to show up on the first results page for their search terms. That’s why you need to optimize fresh content for the search engines. This doesn’t have to be complicated, but it does require some attention.

If you want to rank highly in search engines, you need to make sure:
•  The search engines can find you
•  They can tell what your web pages are about
•  They believe your page/site has authority and credibility for the content you’re promoting

How Does SEO Help Your Business?

Ultimately, SEO is about working with the search engines. You both have the same goal: providing valuable information to visitors when they need it. In order to do that, you have to understand SEO and how it works.

SEO is a combination of activities that help search engines find and trust you, organize the information you’re publishing, and present it to users searching for it.

More and more, SEO really means writing for humans. It involves performing keyword research to first determine what your audience is looking for and how. Then, your content should incorporate those keywords in a natural and useful way. Finally, you should promote your content so it gets shared and linked to by others, increasing your authority.

SEO Results

When you’re new SEO strategy is working, it means good things for you and your visitors. It also creates a cycle that reinforces itself.
For one, your website rank improves, which means more visitors will find your pages in search results. With wider exposure and traffic to your high-value content, more sites will link to your pages. This increases your authority and credibility, which leads to improvement in your website rank. And so on.

Your Business Needs SEO!

Many businesses believe that SEO strategies do not apply to them. Either they see it as too complicated, or they think their brick-and-mortar business doesn’t see any benefit from search engines. Both are untrue. SEO helps your business in many ways and is an essential tool in your marketing and outreach efforts.

Everyone Uses Search Engines!!

Internet users rely on search to answer questions, to learn more about products and services, and to find companies. If your focus is local, potential customers still use search engines to look for reviews and directions.

Even if a customer is already familiar with your business name, they are likely to type that into a search engine rather than trying to remember your domain.

SEO Increases Traffic

If you provide valuable information and make it easy for search engines to find and organize it, they will reward you with higher rankings. This increased exposure means more visitors to your pages.

As with most marketing, you want to get your content in front of as many eyeballs as you can. Especially when your audience wants what you have, and SEO is a great tool for targeting.

SEO Brings You Qualified Leads (ROI)

Since search engines return results to users who are actively searching for a particular term or phrase, getting to the top of that stack means you’re providing information to the people who want it most, when they want it.

Unlike advertising, you aren’t trying to push information in front of people who might not be interested at the time. So, you have an active audience, and you don’t have to pay to get the message to them.

Overall, search engine optimization is one of the most effective and sustainable ways to build your online presence. Rather than seeing it as something to “fix” after you’ve created content, keep SEO top of mind from the beginning.

By following best practices at the start, you’ll create interesting, useful content that potential customers want (or need) to read. Then, the search engines will be happy to put you in front of a larger audience.

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