Frequently Asked Questions


With more than 20 years of experience we can deliver the best products.

How much does SEO cost?

SEO can vary greatly in price depending on who is offering the service and there is a large price disparity for a reason. Companies who offer SEO at very low prices usually tend to cut corners and use an improper SEO strategy, resulting in penalties, decreases in traffic and spam for unsuspecting business owners. Certified SEO agency prices tend to run higher, but you are paying for their experience, ethics, and effectiveness.

We offer our resources, expertise, and team for a lower cost than it would take to maintain an in-house team and involves less risk than outsourcing to a cheaper company.

Once I start SEO, how long will it take to get results?

SEO isn’t an overnight strategy. The first few months are dedicated to making updates to your site and waiting for the search engine spiders to crawl and index the changes. Depending on your website, the amount of work it requires, and the crawl frequency of the search engine spiders, it typically takes 3 months to begin seeing new rankings.

How long will it take to see increases in traffic?

Traffic is typically a direct result of an increase in rankings. Once your rankings begin to increase, you will also begin to see increases in traffic to your website. Keep in mind that new rankings and traffic are not instantaneous. It takes a few months to complete the necessary updates and get them indexed before you will begin to see these increases.

Should I also do PPC?

Pay Per Click is a great additional strategy to supplement your SEO efforts and can help enhance relevant traffic. Depending on your website, industry, and the competitiveness of the keywords you want to go after, a good agency will recommend PPC on a case-per-case basis.

Why should I continue SEO once I have achieved good rankings?

Achieving the rankings is only half the battle. Since the search engines are constantly evolving and updating their algorithms, your rankings can fluctuate from one day to the next. Maintaining current rankings is just as involved as getting new ones. It takes constant research, updates, and testing to keep your URL ranking in the top positions. Discontinuing SEO after you’ve achieved rankings will result in a loss of rankings fairly quickly.

Can’t we just buy links?

Although link building can be an important aspect of SEO, purchased links and links from spammy websites or ‘bad neighborhood’ sites can actually hurt your rankings rather than help. Search engines are constantly looking out for links like these. In fact, Google’s ‘Penguin’ series of algorithm updates is geared primarily towards penalizing sites who obtain links unnaturally through link exchange schemes and purchasing links or have links from spam sites. A recovery from a link penalty is not an easy one and can result in significant traffic losses.

Can you get me ranked for general terms like ‘contractor’?

General terms are highly competitive and would be extremely costly to rank for based on the time and resources it would take to achieve rankings for a term that broad. Another reason we advise against going after terms that broad is relevancy. If you are a contractor in Texas, traffic from New York probably isn’t that relevant to your business. It is more cost effective to go after terms that relate to the location of your business.

How often do the Search Engines update their algorithm or search equation?

Only the techs behind the search engines know this answer for sure. Google’s head of Web Spam, Matt Cutts, has been quoted saying that more than 500 updates are made each year. Since the search engines are constantly evolving and changing, it is crucial to stay on top of the changes, make constant updates and only use strategies that are ethical and sustainable.

How do I measure the ROI from my SEO Campaign?

Sam McRoberts, CEO of VUDU Marketing says, anyone who wants great returns from SEO should invest in it like Warren Buffett invest in stocks.“If you pick a bad set of stocks, you might lose money. If you sell the stocks too late, you might lose money. If you sell too early, you might lose money or even leave money on the table. You have to pick good stocks and hold them for just the right amount of time, just as you have to pick the right keywords and target them for the right amount of time. You simply can’t approach SEO with a short-term investment mentality. If you’re looking for a quick hold-and-flip, that isn’t SEO. If you want to know with some measure of statistical certainty what your ROI will be over the next quarter or year, that isn’t SEO. If on the other hand you’re willing to invest for the long-term, if you have a long-term vision and you’re willing to do whatever it takes to reach your end goal…that’s SEO.” – Sam McRoberts